Get to Know:


Yarri Honey, also known as Blackbutt, is less well known than Jarrah but has similar powerful antimicrobial properties. We, however, have always known that it is pretty special.  Harvested from the flowers of the Eucalyptus Blackbutt trees, our Yarri honey is highly antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. With a flavour profile tasting of rich dried fruit and treacle, this honey is as delicious as it is bioactive.    

Batch Number:

A13 Yarri TA30+


Total Activity Score

Strong Confidence Rating: TA 30+

Actual Result: >TA35

Total Activity is a measure of the bioactive properties of the honey and indicates the antibacterial strength. This test is currently accurate on a scale of 0-35+ with the highest possible rating. Yarri honey receives one of the highest possible rating that the test measures at 30+.

Many people are familiar with Manuka Honey and its associated bioactivity markers. What is not common knowledge is that our Australian native honeys are very comparable to the most bioactive Manukas. Research has found that Jarrah Honeys (TA 35+), have up to 90% greater activity than average levels found in Manuka honeys.  See the table below which provides a comparison between MGO found in Manuka honey to Total Activity found in honeys from Western Australia. 

Antibacterial Activity Value (AAV)


Antibacterial Activity Value is a measure of the bioactive potency of honeys that has been developed by the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Honey Bee Products at the University of WA (UWA) that takes in multiple markers and measures the honey's effectiveness to fight strains of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria.

AAV measures of between 600-700 are some of the highest bioactive products available.

Above is a comparison table to show how AAV compares with other measures. 

Collie Western Australia - Honey Harvest Location


Your honey was harvested from Jarrahdale in Western Australia in January 2022.


A one-and-a-half-hour drive south of Perth, the Adventure Trail town of Dwellingup is a delightful location that the Murray River snakes through and adventure seekers walk, mountain bike and four-wheel-drive. The pristine Jarrah forests of the Dwellingup State Forest provide a perfect backdrop for camping beneath a canopy of stars.  This timber-rich area boasts a beautiful section of the Munda Biddi Trail – spanning 1,000 kilometres from Mundaring to Albany, it’s the longest continuous off-road cycling trail on the planet. Visitors to the area are spoiled with colourful wildflowers, ancient rocks and towering Red gums and Blackbutt trees.

  • Australian Honey - Country of Origin