RAW honey – How to spot it, and why you need it.

Raw honey has unbelievable health benefits, many of which we are only just beginning to understand. But, so much of what we buy in the supermarkets is not raw and it certainly isn’t local. So how do you spot the good stuff on the shelf, and why do you need it in your life?





Many types of raw honey naturally set, or crystallize after they have been put into jars. While this doesn’t affect the taste, or benefits of honey it doesn’t always look great. To keep it runny for longer, many large companies will heat their honeys up to over 70 °C. The side effect is, it kills off all the active enzymes in the honey and takes away flavour turning it basically to syrup. In Western Australia, imported honey is treated like this – so take a look at the jar and choose a local beekeeper. And remember, when you see crystallized honey, there is a good chance its raw and full of the good stuff!






Collecting Melaleuca (Paperbark) Honey



That’s an easy one. We take our honeycomb, from one group of hives in one location (here we are last week with our Melaleuca honey from Bullsbrook). We remove the top waxy layer (capping). We spin the comb so the honey comes out, then jar it up ready for you to enjoy. Simple. Well, it seems simple but every time we spin, I somehow end up covered in honey and surrounded by bees licking it off…




…anyway, we never blend types or pasteurise, because we think its best as natural and possible – plus we love the unique taste each variety has.










For me, this is the big bonus – its tastes amazing and its good for you! Many of our local eucalyptus honeys like Jarrah, Redgum or Karri have high levels of enzyme activity (Total Activity, or TA). We don’t always test this if our batches are very small but you can be fairly confident that if its un heated and local it is doing good things for you.



The enzymes in raw honey give it its antibacterial power. Honey also aids digestion as a prebiotic. Not to mention, it is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Check out this helpful healthline article for details;




So, will you give raw honey a go? Make it part of your daily routine. Support a local bee keeper, and tell us if you can taste the difference?


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